Abdulmomen's Blog مدونة عبدالمؤمن

Yacht Sailing in Croatia - May 2024

This trip was led and organized by Paweł and his own company Nexus Sailing

Before I started writing this article, I couldn’t figure out from where to start, due to the diverse activities happened in this trip. Why is this trip special to me in comparison to other trips I had from the marshes of Iraq in 2016 till last month hiking in Saxony Switzerland, is that we were a group of people from different ethnics (countries), living in the boat for 8 days and 7 nights!
Its the sea, that has its own nature and its rules. You have the winds, the waves and boat, and you have to figure out how to make your day through. It is a new dimension that is added to my travel experiences (air + land + sea).

We were 5 people: Me, Paweł, Malwina, Agata (Poland) and Miriam (German). The rationale for this trip was about cultural exchange, and we had our discussions about those cultural differences, especially for me being Arabic (conservative) with the western culture (open, liberal culture).


  • The first international group that I lived with continuously for the duration of 7 nights. We’re All in the Same Boat.
  • People of Croatia were really kind, cooperative and social. For example: the last day when we handed the boat and came for inspection, they were really kind and helpful, and never makes us feel they’re upset or angry about the boat issues. The other example when we were at a restaurant, and the chef gave us hospitality dish, which is really a nice gesture from them
  • There were different discussions about topics in life (e.g., relationships), or about incidents and how different culture act on it.
  • Paweł taught us basic training about the boat, and how each person should know its role when exiting or entering the marina.
  • I was on my 1 GB of data on my mobile, and I was opening WhatsApp and emails only. So, I was forced to open offline stuff, e.g., offline downloaded YouTube lectures or a pdf book. I realized how much time was wasted on non-useful time on TikTok or other social media platforms.
  • When the rudder (located at the bottom of the boat, used for steering and maneuvering) got stuck and the wheel chain displaced, and how we solve it.
  • Hugging before bed 🤗: before going to bed, Paweł told us that we have to hug each other, and it was unfamiliar for me, so I hugged each others too. The second night we did the same. But the third night I was doing this on my own, and even Paweł noted this and said that I was hesitant or reluctant to do it, but later it became a habit that all of us did

I’ll list each day I/we experienced during this tip:

  • Day 0: Friday, 10th
  • Day 1: Saturday
  • Day 2: Sunday, 12th
  • Day 3: Monday
  • Day 4: Tuesday, 14th
  • Day 5: Wednesday
  • Day 6: Thursday, 16th
  • Day 7: Friday
  • Day 8: Saturday, 18th

Day 0: Friday, 10th

For this time I didn’t use airports, rather with FlixBus (for a total of 18 hours, from Berlin to Zagreb and from Zagreb to Zadar). I wanted to see the streets or the countries we will be crossing from the window of the bus.
My expectations was not clear of what to do there, just go and will see what happens :) I took only a single backpack, and it was heavy (around 13 or 15 kg). I took clothes, my laptop, iPad, protein + creatin, board games (dominos + Uno), and most importantly my new and beloved Sony Alpha 7 IV with a 35mm GM lens. I left Berlin at 21:30 and arrived to Zadar the next day at about 16:30.

Day 1: Saturday

Our meeting point was at Zadar. Finally, and after this long trip, me, Paweł and Miriam met at Restaurant & Grill “La Pegla”. After an excited introduction to meet each other, we take a walk into the streets of Poluotok, and also saw the Sea Organ :)

the streets and buildings of  Zadar - Poluotok screenshot for the location of the previous image in  Zadar - Poluotok
open location

We went to another restaurant, and met Malwina and Agata and their family. With little talks, we know more about each other, and had our dinner (I don’t remember what I ordered, but it was fish :) ).
After that, we went to Kaufland shopping for the upcoming days. We shopped so many that our cart got full (water, milks, eggs, cheese, potatoes, bananas, onions, and my other specifics for each one).
After that we went to our boat, were I was waiting eagerly for the yacht, since it was my first time seeing it closely and will live in it tonight and the next days :) We put our shoppings in the boat, and the journey is ready to start.

our yacht for the journey

Before we went to bed, Paweł said that we have to do hugs for everyone before going to bed 🤗. I was hesitant, but did it to each one. It was kinda unexpected and not getting used to this before in my life.

Day 2: Sunday, 12th

We wake up mostly at 10:00, each one prepared his/her breakfast; for me I usually eat eggs and milk, and because I forget to buy bread, I used bananas and dates and chocolates instead 😄 (it had so much onions in it, I know).

Me eating my first breakfast at the boat -- looks like someone who despise the milk, but it is not

After this, we wen to the old town in Trogir, see its old streets, had little coffee at Tinel, ice creams, and also bought beans from the the Bazaar.

open location
open location

Now, after this morning and afternoon tour, we went back to our home – the boat. When we arrived and be on the boat, Paweł started to give us general instructions and basic trainings for how to tie robes, water and electricity lines, and how to release them when we depart. We started applying the trainings right after we started cursing. For me, I didn’t know where we were going, since mostly it also depends on the winds and which direction we will follow, and also I came to Croatia without any study or background about it, so didn’t know the cities or bays or beaches to go to. When the boat started moving from the marina, you know that the journey starts. I was happy, being the first time experiencing this.

For sure, we started preparing our lunch/dinner. It was prepared by Miriam, and was completely vegetarian.

The sunset was also something I should mention, and it was one of the beautiful events in this day. We also watched dolphins 🐬 :)

We arrived to Otok Vis at night (about 22:00), and we docked there (because there was no Marina or a floating boya). Docking was also exciting for me :)
We arrived tired, and we should take a rest and sleep after this gorgeous day.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t take a good picture at night, because the boat was shaking from the small sea waves.

open location

Day 3: Monday

On this day, the others went to the small town and drank coffee, but for me, I swam for a couple of minutes because the water was really cold for me (about 18 degrees), then slept and woke up at 14:00. I was very tired (mostly because from the FlixBus travel, were I couldn’t get enough sleep).

After they returned from the town, we started sailing to another, close destination (Otok Sveti Klement). And during this sailing/cruising, Paweł prepared the lunch for us this time.

open location

Just wanted to mention some event I remember, is that Malwina docked ☸️ twise ☸️ , because the first dock was not holding the boat and it kept drifting in the ocean, so Paweł told Malwina to pull back the docker chain, and then we moved the boat slightly to a different close location so that it might has a better conditions for docking, and it worked.
It is is our third night living at the boat, but the last two nights were mostly on the ocean. You start feeling you’re away from land, and you started thinking about how sailors stay for weeks on the ocean.

I would like to also mention that, during this whole trip, I was on my mobile data for 1 GB only; and so I tried to limit the data to WhatsApp and emails. With this, I was forced to watch downloaded videos on my iPad, or continue reading some book, and then I realized how TikTok or the social media apps were taking so many hours from my time after I finish my work in a typical day.

Day 4: Tuesday, 14th

After finishing our breakfast, we started sailing/crusing to Pakleni otoci, and this too, was a heaven-like place to me and us. We docked our boat to a boya, and used the dinghy 🚣🏼 to go to the a rocky shore.

After that, we went to drink some tea or juices, and went to swim at the beach, and it was cold, really cold for me (about 19 C).

open location

We went back to the dinghy again to return to the boat (a short trip with total 3 hours), and headed towards the gorgeous Stari Grad.

open location

We ate at Bistro Kod Damira. For me I took the Bakalar, and it was delicious.

Here, I would like to note that while we were sitting at the restaurant, I had that feeling I am back on land, I feeling that I experienced for the first time. I missed the land.

Day 5: Wednesday

It will be hard for me to forget this day, because it was windy, and the ocean was with high waves 🌊, and used the boat with sailing only (the engine was turned off). Half of the time, I was having sea sickness, and slept as much as I can inside, although I tried to stand-up, but couldn’t at all, and always wanted to throw up. But, when we reached Gronji Muli, I recovered quickly.
Miriam managed sailing the boat for 6 hours straight!.

Then, after that long 6 hours of sailing, we finally reached Gronji Muli, we had a short walk there, taking some rest from the waves of the ocean :)

Then went for lunch to a restaurant called Ilirija. They have this little dog, that acts like he is the guardian of the restaurant 😄. I ordered Grilled squid 🦑.Then, we went back to the boat to take rest and sleep from this wavy, windy day :)

Day 6: Thursday, 16th

Thursday was the last day for Miriam, and after those days living with each other, for sure we will miss one of our group when they leave. We took a little breakfast and and then went to the bus station accompanying Miriam and saying good bye to her.

Our plan after that was hiking, but it was very windy, so we went to Šibenik instead. We walked along the old city, I ate ice cream and then Paweł, Malwina and Agata took a nap. I took a 10 minutes nap too :)

open location

After this short nap, we went at a close restaurant (sorry, didn’t capture any picture for it). Then we returned back to our boat.

I can say this day was relaxing and easy, especially all of it was on mainland.

Day 7: Friday

Today, Paweł prepared us pancakes for breakfast (bananas + eggs), and it was tasty. The day was sunny, no clouds, blue sky, and warm (21 C).


So, we started moving with the boat, and having a little training :)
I was trying to dock the boat to a boya, I was going forward fast, and then backward fast, but for somehow I didn’t hold the steering, which cause it to rotate very fast that made the rudder locked and the wheel chain displaced!

I’d like to note how Paweł managed the suitation of this problem. He calmly and slowly inspected whats inside, and took time to decide on what to do exactly. He also contacted a technical and asked him what can be done. He was not with calling others to come and fix, rather he enjoyed fixing this problem (or “dreamed” of having a case like this). It took us about 3 and half hours to fix. It was really special time at that day.

After successfully solving the boat problem, we now have to go back to the same marina where we picked the boat from (Marina Agana). Paweł drove the boat slowly (we were afraid there may be other issues we’re unaware of in the rudder). We enjoyed “multiple sunsets” on the way :)

Day 8: Saturday, 18th

The journey must at some point ends, and for me I feel sad because I am gonna miss the people I was with. I was blue from inside; and before I left the boat, I took the last picture of the room I was living in, and for sure the rudder, where it was stuck the day before. We then went to some favourite Chokolate place to Paweł, and it was our last meeting before saying good bye to each other.

After that, I was having a bus tip (with FlixBus) from Trogir to Zagreb, and then from Zagreb to Berlin (with a total of 23 hours from the first bus to my apartment). On my way home, I was remembering what events happened in this journey, and I feel lucky I was part of it. When I was at the bus station, I opened my pocket to find those lavender plants, that I forget about; Paweł gave it to me the day before, but I forget about them. It was a beautiful memory 🪻

Final Words

I wrote this post to share my experience with Paweł and Croatia at the sea. If you find it also exciting, you can contact Paweł’s Nexus Sailing about which programs or tours available.
Thanks for your time, and I hope to see you soon.